Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Authors & Music/Playlists(2)

I would like to Stephenie Meyer for introducing me to MUSE and other bands because she had a play list of songs that went with her books.

I have noticed that Maggie Steifvater , and Bree Despain also have song play lists that go to their books. With out the authors and their songs, it does help put the book into perspective and I find new bands.

I do still have my play list at the bottom of my page with my favorite songs, and I have it so that it doesn't auto play when you come onto the page. But I like to be able to listen to some of my favorite songs from Movies, classical , some country, some 80's...Some days are good for certain songs off the play list.

Having kids means that I listen to alot of kids music, and don't have a clue as new bands or music that it out there besides the radio, and then I'm not always able to catch who sang the song. I would love to add Lady Antebellum (Need you now) but they aren't on playlist. Boo.

Does this help understand the book better or introduce you to new bands??? Are there any authors that you wished had play lists ??



  1. Personally, music playlists and books for me do not go hand in hand. I rarely listen to any music when I read because it is usually after everyone else has gone to bed in the house and I hate head phones and ear plugs... I do like to read about what authors consider a song for a certain character, it is interesting and most of the time the music they listen to is so far away from the soft rock and older country that I myself like that do not have a clue what they are talking about anyway!

    jackie b central texas

  2. I won the TDD soundtrack and I really like it, but I read the book before I listened to the music. Hmmm...I think it might help better to write than to read.


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