Annie and Buster Fang are the children of their parents. Their parents are abstract artists. They create memorable moments for unsuspecting people. Annie and Buster have had a interesting childhood and don't want to be apart of it any more.
Their lives go from good to worse in a few short days. They both have a reason to come home. Their parents weren't expecting them to be around for that long. Through out the book we see Buster's and Annie's moments with their parents, and also when they had their moment to shine and certain scenes that helped shape them.
Buster choose writing and Annie choose Acting, which are not what their parents wanted them to do.
All things change , and secrets are found out. This is a dysfunctional family and this is what happens when parents try to force kids to do what they want them to do.
Book Review=B
Thanks to Harper /Ecco for the book and this is my Honest Review
Thanks sharing your honest thoughts and opinions about the book. It sounds like a great read!!
Sherry Soule Official Website
Author of the Spellbound Series