Thursday, July 29, 2010

I know I am but what are you --Book Review

I Know I Am, But What Are You?

I have seen her on the Daily show with Jon Stewart a couple of times and when the opportunity arose to read a fun book. I jumped at the chance to laugh out loud.

Samantha has a interesting take on Dogs, Dolls, relationships, and family.

Interesting humor and there were times I was laughing over some images and other times I think she was trying to hard.

Comedy Books aren't for everyone and every one's brand of humor is so different.

I needed something funny to read and this book did make laugh and I will never think of a Barbie Doll in the same away again -Samantha.

Book Review=3/C

Thanks to Galley for the Book and this is My Honest Review


  1. I love Samantha on the Daily Show!!

  2. My husband finsihed it and thought it was fun. I read a few chapters and thought it was okay. My hubs is going to do the review.


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