Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm back from Vacation sorta

It was a busy week of camping, the beach, Disneyland and being with family and smores, singing, hiking, mickey mouse and princesses, and roller coasters, and Boardwalk.

Took lots of pictures of the kids and lots of videos too

Read Firelight, The Iron Daughter, and Discords Apple--reviews to come

Need to do some Back to school shopping for #withpurpose and the kids

It was great to be offline and away from the computer. Will be making some changes with this with kids and school.

It was great to see cousins and sisters--can't wait too see what the mail man has brought and need to finish the laundry.

Did you miss me ??

some of the pics from the photo session


  1. Such cute pictures! Love them!

  2. sounds like a great vacation. Super cute family pictures.

  3. sounds like you had a great vacation! loved your guest posters. glad you are back though :o)

  4. Nice family pictures. You look younger with long hair. --Welcome back.

  5. Wonderful pictures! You are truly blessed!

  6. Those are great family pics. Welcome back!

  7. What fun and what great pictures!


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks