Thursday, July 12, 2012

Brave Book & Movie review

Merida is the only daughter. Her mom has been training her to become the perfect princess. She is a tomboy, and she loves to shoot her arrows.

When she finds out that there are going to three suitors for her hands in marriage. She doesn't want any part of it. She wants to change her fate. She chooses all the different men from the families to do archery. She decides to change her fate and fight for her own hand. But in doing this risking the wrath of the other clans.

Merida follows the blue wisps and is led to cottage. There she sees many bears and has to purchase something to get a wish. She makes to wish that her mom will change.

Eleanor does change into a bear . Merida and her mom work together to leave the castle , and find the old woman.

This book was great to see a mother and daughter working together. I loved Merida hair. I loved that this showcased a family ie Incrediables . I loved that they both changed and both learned to listen to each other. I find this movie and book to just as good as children's book I was reading to my kids. I loved that she was Brave in her choices and Brave. I cried a couple times during the movie.

Book Review= B+

I bought this book and this is my Honest review of both the movie & book.


  1. I so want to see this movie! Thanks for the review!

  2. Oooo I had no idea that the mom and daughter relationship is an element. I will be keeping my eyes peeled for that.


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