Friday, March 15, 2013

Period 8 Book Review

Paul and Hannah are dating, but he messed up and cheated on her. He tells her the truth. In Period 8 --this is a class where secrets are revealed and discussed. Mr. Logs is the teacher and confidante.

We see many classmates and learn their secrets too. Mr. Logs and Paulie are both swimmers, and many of those talks happen before the swimming. Arney & Kylie & Mary & Justin are the classmates we get introduced to, and we learn their about their lives.

I enjoyed the many different point of views, and loved the discussions that happened in Period 8. I did see some misdirection of might behind something big that happened in the book. I was glad that it was someone else. This was a good mystery.

This cover is amazing and this is my first time reading this author. This book set up reminded me of a Simpson's show where everyone was in the class sitting , and we found out what happened before school. Everything all leads back to Mr. Logs and his Period 8 classroom.

Best Line : I hate this whole dating thing, or boy-girl thing or whatever you want to call it. You're never safe.

Book Review = B+

This book comes out March 26 and this is my Honest Review and thanks to Greenwillow for the book.


  1. This sounds like a good mystery! I saw this book around, but yours if the first rating/review I've read. I may have to check this one out.

    Wendy @ The Midnight Garden

  2. Ummm that boy is very nice to look at :-)) Sounds like a good story as well.


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