Sunday, August 31, 2008

stephenie meyer-- Take time off

I'm a fan of her writing. She has decided not to write Midnight Sun ( Edward Cullen Point Of View) from Twilight. She has written 12 chapters that I know of. It on the Internet and she has put it on her website to read from.

I'm a fan and I won't petition a writer to do anything because they will write what ever they want to write. A writer needs time and space . I'm sure that she has other book ideas and other stories to tell . I as a fan respect her wishes and want her to take time away from the limelight and just do what she does a storyteller.

I will find other authors to read from and read the classics . I will not force a somebody to do something that the don't want to do. Plus I have noticed that once somebody is up high...the public likes to knock them down a peg or 2 and then they can rise and come back. For example...Breaking dawn got mixed reviews you either hated it or loved it.

I do think that she will come back to the Twilight friends(Cullenverse) but give her time( a couple years) and then she'll be back with them. Its where all of her fans are and her where it brings in the most money.


  1. As I understand it, those pages were ilegally leaked on the Internet. She voluntarily put those pages on her site for her fans to read, so they didn't have to "break the law". What I want to know is why she isn't wringing the neck of the person who did this. She's got to know who did. I would strangle them. The read on Edward's view is, interesting. It's too bad that happened to her. I think I would read anything she decided to put out, Cullen's or not.

  2. When I heard about this I was heartbroken for her. I can't imagine how betrayed she must, so sad.

  3. Sad but not really that surprising (which is even sadder) And I'd be interested in reading midnight sun if it comes out but I'm expecting a book about Leah. Her whole story was left pretty up in the air don't you think?

  4. I love that you have a song from the movie Enchanted on your play list. I sing it all the time for Cory...ha ha!

  5. I'm waiting to for leah's story too. Its sad but it happens.

  6. I left you an award on my blog.:O)

  7. You know that I haven't read these books. That doesn't mean that it doesn't tick me off that someone leaked the chapters. I'd be completely put out & don't blame her one bit for not wanting to finish the book. The fire's been put out, which is unfortunate.


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