Friday, August 22, 2008

Things I need to do today

1. B is doing much better at school today. No complaining about hating school. Plus he had a long chat with daddy and apologized to me. He went to class with a smile it seemed.

2. Need to plan a date night with hubby.....

3. Clean the house today

4. Pay bills

5. do laundry again


  1. The laundry is never ending, isn't it? Hope the mweeting with the teacher when okay yesterday!

  2. I'm right with you on number 4. Glad your little man is enjoying school more.:O) Mine went for K testing today and was just silly. His teacher said she will test him the 1st day when he's more himself.:O)

  3. I'd guess that w/ a household of seven, there's enough laundry for a load a day at least!
    Glad to hear the school sitch is going better.

  4. Hi friend,
    glad little B is doing better. He is such a cute little guy.

  5. Thanks for loaning the book. I should be finished in the next day or two. Love twilight can't wait for Host!
    I don't know where youi find the time to do this!
    Oh and yeah, I need to do number 2-5 as well :O)


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