Monday, December 8, 2008

We have a winner

My kids picked HRH

~If you had 3 hours of uninterrupted time during the day (not evening), what would you do with it? read a book( doesn't matter who it is) or watch my favorite actors....Gerard Butler or James McAvoy or Robert Pattinson.

~Which season is your favorite and why?~spring because things begin to blossom

For lunch, what do you normally make for yourself?~ sandwich

Did you like 'Timeline'? yes I like it

~Would you like any new talents? If so, what would it/they be and why?~ maybe to sew,knit better because I would love to be one of those crafty people and I'm not.

Do you talk in your sleep? No

sariqd questions:

If you had a million dollars (tax free!) what would you do with it? pay off debt , move into a bigger house, save alot of the money, travel to England, Ireland, and New Zealand.

If you could be a character in a movie, who would you be and why? I would love to be in PS I love you and be Gerry that striptease dance and the way he sings . I could go on and on but I won't.

I want to know what Twilight book was your favorite, and why. My favorite book in the Twilight saga is Twilight because I remembered being young and in love but I love them all in different way and I could relate more to breaking dawn and I now have a spot for Jacob.

If you could have any super power what would it be and why? Mind reading would be nice to know whether my kids were lying.

Our Crazy Family said...
What was your most Memorable Childhood Christmas? well my dad made me do a scavenger hunt to get my present one year. it was a hat and ice cream.

Tiffany said...
Yay for 200!*If you could meet anyone (dead or alive) who would it be and why? I would love to meet Jane Austen because what she wrote is awesome and would love to ask her my many questions.

*What is your favorite ice cream flavor?* mint chip

Do you sing in the shower?* no

What is your most embarrassing moment? don't really remember one.
Sissamom said...
What is the silliest thing one of your kids has ever said to you? everything they say is funny.

Kendell said...
why are black boards/chalk boards the color they are? no clue

April said...
Maybe you just never blog about it, but do you ever have moments where your kids drive you crazy? If so, how do you handle them? yes all the time but I understand that many people are already going through this and don't need to hear it from me.

I think that we all have our different forms of crazy too. I go to the bathroom for a few minutes to calm down and then I'm better. I give my kids attention and listen to them....


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks