Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I think I need to cut my hair because all i do is pony tails or bun as said picture.


  1. Thats my hair too!
    It looks healthy tho!

  2. That means you would have to do things to it....I'm the same way, but it is so easy.

  3. Mom's hair always seems to come last. You look cute:)

  4. It's kind of hard because when we aren't getting any younger, there are only so many more years that we can have long hair. You don't see any women in their older years with long hair (few that can actually pull it off that is)so I'm perplexed about cutting mine. I'm growing it longer for now. Also, summer is coming up soon, so I either want it long enough to put up, or short enough so it's making my neck all sweaty. Good luck with that

  5. Oooh! cut it! Jump on the bandwagon and join me in my quest for cuteness!!! What kind of 'do are you thinking of?


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