Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thank you California -- NOT

Because of your inability of work together and come up with a budget. Education is taking a big hit. Why did it take you over 100 days to get a budget.? I understand that you got perks and I'm sure that you were given FREE stuff like trips, but come on, BE ADULTS. I'm sure that you even got perks because the Budget was called in for SPECIAL Session.

In my school district , they will now be having to put more kids into the classrooms in the K-3rd grades. I liked that there were only 20 kids in the class. I felt that my children got the help and attention that they needed.

Why oh why must education suffer. We are almost the last state in the in what we spend on education for our kids. I think I will be doing my civic duty and voting you OUT.


  1. :) I just wrote about this on LA Moms. you might want to check it out.

  2. Oh dear. I'm so sorry. I hate politicians just because they have grown so accustomed to their rich way of living that that is all they see and they don't care what they cut in order to maintain that way of life.


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