Q#1 - What do you think about stereotypical characters? Do characters like "Honey bun" - the evil stepmother & Shelby - the teen acting out, bother you, or are you accepting of them?
I think stereotypes are good for a fantasy book, but there are times when Shelby seemed normal. I think its normal for teens to act out, but when you generalize it to all teens..not all do.I do think that most people can relate and understand the stereotypes. Isn't that what TV has too ??
Q#2 - How did you feel about the immediate attraction and relationship between Shelby and Austin? Do you think it worked in this story or not? I do like that it started as a friendship and immediate attraction. It work to the story in that respect. But I didn't learn to much about Austin and his history.
Q#3 - What did you think about the attempts the camp staff made to connect with Shelby? Were they at all effective? Did the staff have a point in their position on her personal life? I think the camp did a good effort in trying to connect with Shelby. No I don't think so, that the camp staff was effective. I think it was great that she was able to weed, and write that letter to her dad. No I don't that the staff had the position too...if this was was a real reform camp.
Q#4 - What is your opinion on parents who send their kids to reformation camps - the ones who need to be "reformed" and the ones who don't? Well if there no other avenue to, but to send the troubled child to that kind of camp..then I would support those parents in their endeavor of trying to help their child. But I don't that the camp Shelby went to was one of camps. I agree with the description of sleep away camp for the rich.If you can afford to send you child to Shelby camp, then I don't have any problems with it. But if you are sending your child away, just to enjoy your life with out kids...I might be upset.
Q#5 - Do you wish there would have been a bit more mystery regarding Austin being a werewolf, letting us get to know his character first and then the big reveal? Oh Yes more mystery about Austin. I wanted more information on this character. I did think we did get to know some things about him...but he revealed it way too soon in my humble opinion.
Q#6 - Do you think this novel has enough momentum for a sequel? There was some hinting at the possibility (the scratch), do you think this would be a good follow-up? I do think that there is a possibility of a 2ND novel..maybe taking the relationship out of the camp place and maybe a school setting. I do think it would be interesting to see what happened with Shelby and the scratch. I do hope that the next book bigger and more history is in it. I would love to see her work on her relationship with her new stepmother and Dad.
Its been fun to do this and I'm excited to do the next book.
My girlfriend who reads my blog wants to borrow this book now and I would let my daughter read this book.
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