Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Queen of Light--BWB

In a time not long from now the veil between fantasy and reality is ripped asunder - creatures of myth and fairy tale spill into the mortal world. Enchanted yet horrified, humans force the magical beings Underground, to colonize the sewers and abandoned subway tunnels beneath their glittering cities. But even magic folk cannot dwell in harmony, and soon two Worlds emerge: the Lightworld, home to faeries, dragons and dwarves; and the Darkworld, where vampires, werewolves, angels and demons lurk. Now, in the dank and shadowy place between Lightworld and Darkworld, a transformation is about to begin... Ayla, a half faery, half human assassin, is stalked by Malachi, a Death Angel tasked with harvesting mortal souls. They clash. Immortality evaporates, forging a bond neither may survive. And in the face of unbridled ambitions and untested loyalties, an ominous prophecy is revealed that will shake the Worlds. (

Different woman/ loner man meet and instant dislike or want to kill them or each other. They fight to the death. They touch and have an instant connection. There both have to deal with some insurmoutable odds , both the man/woman. They either face it together or separately and then the Happily Ever After or leaves the door open for another book.

Ayla is a strong female character who is half human and fairy. She is Lightworld .Malachi is a fallen Angel. He is considered darkworld. They are both stubborn and very different from the rest of the worlds. I liked they both had people helping them on their journey.

Okay. This is my first time reading this author. It take me a while to get into the story. I love reading about fairies/angels/vampires and this had it all. It did take me a while to get into the story with all the different scenes and characters.

The story was told in Malachi/ Ayla/Garret / Queene's Point of Views. I was able to guess it was going to be a series by the back of the book with the titles already out.

There was alot of action then romance which I think was great for this book and its seemed to even it self out with both.

I did love the Fight scene and what it for told and how the characters showed love and what happens to the person/character. I also loved how it showed what a person would do when they give up someone they love and what the future means to them.

Book Review- 3


Can't wait to read the next book in the series.

#1 Did you have an understanding of the world created by this novel, or did you find the complexity too much? I found it to be a little complex with all the dark and light.

#2 In a book that it appears many have trouble liking, what is one thing that you like about this book? I liked that there were strong female characters.

#3 Did you agree with the author’s decision to make Ayla a fierce assassin in battle and a weakling in her emotions? For example her obvious contempt for Garret but yet her willingness to be his mate and subject herself to his demeaning manor? I think that this is standard for female characters, they have to struggle with something and that was her struggle.

#4 What do you think the significance of the the baby Ayla carries is/will be? I think the baby will be what unites the worlds.

#5 What do you think of Ayla's ascension to the throne? Do you believe she accepted her own destiny too easily? I thought that was unrealistic and thought that she accepted the the crown to easily all because she was supposed to wed Garret...well hey..I was dating Prince William, he dies and then I become queen..Not likely.

This is my honest review and I bought the book.


  1. Crap! I don't think I'm going to get this read in time to post tomorrow. Great review though and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I am starting to wonder on this book. I thought it sounded really good, but it seems that it is a book for a good read but don't rush out to get it. I may still get this book in the future. I wonder if there will be a second one if it will be better. Maybe this one is just the set up for more great things to come...

    Thanks for the review!

  3. I really had high expectations about this book. I love fairies and they politics that usually come into play in their courts. Urgh disappointment. - Parajunkee


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