Detective Lindsay Boxer chases a Jewel thief, a murderous movie star, and killer with a vendetta against women and children. ( Back of the book)
The women's murder club is back again.
Yuki- Lawyer
Cindy - Reporter
Claire- Medical Examiner
Marcus Dowling kills his wife , and Hello Kitty takes the jewelry. Hello Kitty is Sarah and teacher . Cindy and Rich are dating still.
Sarah and Heidi are both married but sleeping with each other and they are teachers. Heidi's husband Pete plays a role in the book too.
Lindsay and Rich have some unresolved feelings toward each other, but they haven't acted on them yet. They are cop partners but they seem to want to be more at times.
Lindsay is excited to getting married to Joe who works for Homeland Security. Lindsay future is up in the air.
I found this book to better than the other books in there series. But it looks like there is going to another book. There are something that need to be worked out with the characters..
Book Review= 4
Thanks to GrandCentral for the book and this is my Honest Review.
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