Monday, March 22, 2010

Moaning Monday

Well this week isn't too busy

Pinewood Derby on Tuesday and let just say his car is all Ben 10 -- He has a fun time doing this project.
FIG for M

There is a Momslikeme event with Ikea , I can't make ....but if you can be sure to sign up.There is also a cute baby contest there too.

I got the girls some easter dresses for this next sunday. Hoping to change the pic soon.

Picked up new moon DVD

Reading & Reviewing books

We also have gotten rid of the toddler beds and now have 2 bunk beds and the rooms look so much cleaner. Also did some spring cleaning this last weekend.

I also found out that I won purple nail polish from parajunkee


  1. I, too, bought New Moon and made my husband watch it with me on Saturday night. It was delightful!

  2. Yes I'm going to have twilight thon with my dh-- he hasn't seen it either. So in my future its a Twilight night.

  3. Didn't think I would bby the movie but a friend bought two and needed to free herself of one. Guess who bought it. Haven't watched though :O)

  4. Wow. You do have a busy week. I love easter dresses! I know the girls are going to look ADORABLE : )

  5. Yeah! New Moon. Was SOOO happy to get it I even got up early and went to *gasp* Walmart on a Saturday. Worth the crazy I think!


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We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks