Saturday, May 22, 2010

Never Let You Go- Book Review

Lexi lives in the shadow of choices her husband made. Especially Grant's choice to leave seven years ago, without a word. Her relationship with their daughter, Molly, is now the most important thing in her life. Lexi will do anything-work grueling hours, attend church on her only day off, sacrifice financially-just to see Molly smile.

When Grant shows up declaring his intent to re-enter their daughter's life, Lexi is skeptical of his motives. She soon determines not to let him near Molly. Then a drug dealer named Warden arrives on Lexi's doorstep, demanding payment of Grant's old debts.(

My first thought about this book was : Angels among us by Alabama

I liked seeing the struggle that Lexi and Grant had to solve between themselves and people they had offended. Because of their actions, they were both being punished by someone taking their daughter and choices they had made in the past and how it affected their future. It was a story about redemption and who can we call on in those desperate times.

Book Review= 3

Thanks to Thomas Nelson for the book and this is my Honest Review


  1. Anonymous22 May, 2010

    I was wondering about this one....Her and Ted Dekker did one together and it was really good...I may have to TBR this...

  2. I want to read this one :O) It soiunds really good. Thanks for sharing!
    By the way I love the new blog design. It looks really good!


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