Thursday, May 27, 2010

Speaking in a different language--writing prompt

I  took the 1st writing prompt: It was about speaking a different language to someone and understanding them.

I have tried to learn the baby language and its tough to figure out all the goo and gah and trying to figure out all the different cries. I wanted to learn the language so much that I had 5 kids.

All babies are different and all their talking and crying was so different for each child.

Now you must be thinking --crazy woman who wants to understand babies..well there a popular book when I just had my first child and if you remember it....The Baby Whisperer and did try to learn from it...but it only gave some good hints.

There was an incident with my ds when he was 3 years old. He was trying to talk , but unable to put into words what was going on and very angry.

Ironically three of my five kids have had speech issues. My kids haven't had ear aches a lot. My kids were bottle fed. My kids could hear just fine. My kids were just late in talking. They had to go to a special class just to help them with their speech and language. I did see a lot of growth within the space of 2 years while they were in the class before kindergarten. This is my last year with the teacher because K is moving onto Kindergarten.

Speaking to kids is a challenge but a fun one to see how they see the world. Its nice to see the world through their eyes because I do think I have become jaded over my years.


  1. I love this "take" you took on the prompt. My number 3 had speech delays but he's fine now. I think. :)

  2. I agree! The baby language is really hard to understand. It's also very frustrating because the inability to communicate with the baby gets everyone upset and wanting to cry.

    My husband was a late talker too (at least according to my MIL) He turned out fine and is probably too smart for his own good these days :)

  3. i never thought of baby talk as a second language but you are so right! Great blog, I'm a new follower. Stopping by from SITS

    check me out at



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