Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Winner of Birthday Bash*******

WOW -- I had  over 70 + followers and my most entries of 120 for one contest and in conjunction with Blog with Bite . I will be checking out all the new followers and will be checking out your blogs too.  I wanted to say the picks were for either the Visa or Amazon  Gift card. Very few people choose  the make up and very few picks were for the Blog with Bite books but it was nice to see what you all wanted from me.

I feel like Sally Field and saying -- you like me , you really like me..

Thanks so much for being my followers and hanging out with me and on this Journey. I have made some Great friendships with the BlogwithBite ladies...Emily, Tina and Rachel. So to find out who won--you need to watch the video.

Winner has 72 hours to contact me and claim the prize that has been picked or else I will pick someone else ..so email me aprilmom00 at gmail dot com.


  1. Anonymous15 June, 2010

    HA,,,,that was great Julie....congrats to the winner.

  2. Ack! I don't have my headphones I can't watch this at work. The suspense is killing me.

  3. I thought it was me at first because of your line about Sally Field. I just did a post with a similar title. Check it out. http://fullymutated.blogspot.com

  4. Ah..Chinese stalker has followed you over here too.

  5. I cant watch the video =(


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks