Thursday, July 1, 2010

Friday Fun & Follow Friday

Participating the Follow Friday @

OMG I have over 300 followers..thinking a contest should be coming soon.

Bought my Twice Bitten Book by Chloe Neill. I did my first interview with her last month. Doing the Happy Dance and I cancelled my order with because I was able to pick it up.

Having a local photographer do our family pictures this month. Its been a long time.

Church, and planning our family vacation

I also have found some other Bloggers that like books and near my parents..Looks like I'm making friends with their neighbors.

I was talking with my Girl friend about Books..I have lent her my Hunger Games series and I telling her that the friendships with other book bloggers is amazing. The love of books and authors is starting point with friendships and it grows over time.

I'm also putting myself more out there and trying new things. I joke that I got my inner Alice Cullen on and I was shy in High School and didn't have too many girl friends. I have been thinking --what groups have I been with the longest ?? Well my April playgroup , and MLM. I have stuck through and been with these groups for the longest time it seems. I have made some great friendships and very thankful for them.


  1. Anonymous01 July, 2010

    Over 300 followers! Way to go girl! That is awesome! xxx

  2. Thanks for the compliment on the blog, I'm pretty excited to finally have it up and running:)

  3. Hi! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm following you now, I love your layout, so colorful!

  4. Hopping through. I'm already a follower. Congrats on 300!
    I have a Eclipse related giveaway on my blog. Check it out if you get a chance.

  5. Stopping by from the Friday Follow! You have a cute blog! I have two kids, so I I bet I'll enjoy your blog! I used to do a kids pick Wednesday and review children's books, but I haven't found time in a few weeks with my birthday event. Now that that's finished I hope to go back to it.
    I'm a new follower!

  6. Visiting for Follow Friday! Gah, your layout is absolutely dazzling. I love the design, it's so cute and charming. <3

    Congrats on 300 followers! That's an AWESOME milestone. Have a great Friday! :D

  7. Anonymous02 July, 2010

    Hey Julie :)

    I'm already a follower, but also just swinging by to say Hey, There! and Happy Friday ... hope you have a lovely weekend xx

  8. Already follow, just dropping by to wish you a happy holiday weekend!

  9. Hello! Happy Blog Hop Friday! Found your blog through the blog hop! I like your site!

    I see you like Gerry Butler! Me too! I've been lucky enough to meet the man, but that was years ago when hardly anyone knew him. I think it would be much harder now to meet him! Oh well. Anyway, you have good taste in men! lol


  10. Stopping by to say "Hi" from Follow Friday. Your blog is so adorable I have two little monkeys of my own and love GB too! I'm a new follower.

  11. Hi, following you now.. lovee your blog it is awesome!!!

    Visit my blog

  12. I'm already a follower, just wanted to say howdy!

  13. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm now a follower of yours (although I thought I was already following it!)


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks