Friday, October 22, 2010

My Unfair Godmother-ARC Review

My Unfair Godmother

Tansy Miller has always felt that her divorced father has never had enough time for her. But mistakenly getting caught on the wrong side of the law wasn' exactly how she wanted to get his attention. Enter Chrysanthemum "Chrissy" Everstar, Tansy's fairy in shining, er, high heels. Chrissy is only a fair godmother, of course, so Tansy's three wishes don't exactly go according to plan. And if bringing Robin Hood to the twenty-first century isn't bad enough for Tansy, being transported back to the Middle Ages to deal with Rumpelstiltskin certainly is. She'll need the help of her blended family, her wits, and especially the cute police chief 's son to stop the gold-spinning story from spinning wildly out of control. (

I loved this story and loved that there was a family through out the novel. Chrissy is trying to make into the University and Tansy is her next case. Chrissy mixed up the wishes , and Tansy had to make things right.

Tansy is dating the wrong boy and her date with him goes horribly wrong . She ends up at the police station at the end of the date. She is attracted to the boy in the police station , but dislikes when she first meet him. He happens to be friends with her brother Nick. 

When her wishes get mixed it, and stuck in the middle ages, she learns alot in the middle ages about what really matters. She also gets to know more about Hudson, the cute boy from the Police station.

This story had some shout outs to Twilight & The Princess Bride. This story is cute and would let my daughter read it. I loved that this book had romance, fairies, and family. There is going to be another story with Chrissy.

Book Review= A/5

This book comes out April 12, 2011 and this is my Honest Review. Thanks to ATWT for the book.


  1. Great review! This book sounds really cute and I've loved Janette's previous books, so I'll have to pick this one up once it's released.

  2. hey, this sounds good. if you loan it, put me on the list.

  3. I am having serious pangs of jealousy that you have this ARC! I was able to read 2 of Janette's ARCs on two previous books and don't know how I will wait to read this! She is a literary, comic genius and her books leave me in stitches! Glad to see you loved it:)

  4. Oh my word. I love JR's writing and am completely envious. This sounds amazing!

  5. It sounds like a really good book! I love your header!!!

    Visiting from SITS!

  6. You lucky ducky!!! Her books are the BEST!


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