Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Once was Lost

Once Was Lost
Sam's mom is rehab for a DUI, and her dad is pastor of their church. She has been paying the bills at 15 years old. She lives in Pineview which is 2 hours south of Medford Or, which would be California.

She lives in small town , and everybody knows everyone life.
This book takes places over 16 days, and there are some life changing experiences for Sam and her friends.

As a mom this book was tough for me , because having a child stolen is not something I would ever like to deal with and all those tears.

During this time, Sam talk to her friends about faith, prayers, church , and scriptures. I did like that Sam was able to connect with Nick and help him with his family during the tough time. There are times I just wished that the Sam actually TALKED with her dad and mom about what was on her mind.

I did like the changes that Sam experienced during the book , and this was a beautiful story of Hope, and Faith.

Book Review=B

I bought this book for INSPY and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. Lovely review Julie!! I really loved this one too...:D The dad and that youth girl made me sooooo mad!! Glad your back


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