Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday Fun & Updates

Been busy here with the kids and almost the year end

My daughter M will going to Middle school and her promotion is coming up. All the other kids will be moving up to the next grade with teachers I have no clue who will be teaching or retiring.

My kids have finished up STAR testing and my kids are all doing well. I have also found out that some teachers won't be returning and others I have no clue who will be back.

Also the boy is moving up in Scouts -He is now a Weblos. He will be doing Twilight Camp again.

Another Birthday is upon us and we are almost done with Birthday season here which ends with DH and mine Birthday. Ours don't count as much as the kids.

Busy Busy Busy . I'm unable to go to BEA since I broke my wrist. Let me say that family fun night has gotten expensive. I have sent my wish list to my Book Best Friend. I have only asked that if she finds 9 books, seriously . I would be asking to borrow the books from someone anyway like I did last year . I also am excited to see all the tweets from Book Expo America.

I will be participating in Armchair BEA since I won't be there.

That's all that's happening here and will be 2 blog posts about Safeway coming up , because I shop there. I will also be doing a Toys for Tots at my Local UPS store and discussing Literacy.


  1. I will do my best!!

  2. Boooo wrist!

    Hope it all calms down soon.

  3. Tis the seaason, HUH???? The end of the school yeaar is so crazy. I am looking forward to Summer vaction. Hang in there!

  4. I understand the crazy end of the school year thing! Things are finally beginning to slow down a bit for me, and I had a graduation this weekend and I've got a wedding next weekend! Lol.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks