Monday, January 16, 2012

Blogging Confession #2-- Reading Slumps

 Have you ever had reading/blogging slumps? How do you work through them or work around them?

Funny that this should be the question of the week. I am in slump right now. I am trying to read review books, and trying to enjoy them. My last book reviews for the books have been less than stellar. I think that maybe I am being to critical about the books, or maybe I can't believe all that has been written down. I have a review coming up of a book that everyone loves but I don't like it, and I give my reasons why it didn't work for me. But lately nothing seems to interesting for me to read. I also do try to mix in non review books to read and enjoy. But I admit that I am a mood reader and the book needs to interesting for me read or attempt it.

I am still reading but I have decided to read books that my friends have recommended ie. Mind Games and the Kate Daniels series. Maybe its the young adult books or maybe the books were just bad. I just finished the Mind Games Series and that sure brought me out the reading slump . I think the book choices have been better too. 

I do realize that it appears that I read alot of books, but I have been cutting down on asking for review books. I want to enjoy reading the books. I want that magic where I can be transported to another world and that I enjoy all the swoon Worthy characters. I even want to start reading those classics that I have around to read like Jane Eyre . 

I don't know what brings on slumps ...I do think that its good to stop reading books or do something not blogging if that makes sense . There are times when Vacations are needed. That's my ramble today about my confession and how I work through the reading slump. 

Thanks Karen & Tiger for Hosting this 


  1. You made some good points. I used to be more of a mood reader than I am now. I think that blogging and I schedule for reading review books has changed that some. I do know what you mean about sometimes being more critical of the books you read than others. If I'm not swept away by the book I am more likely to notice flaws in it. My current read - a review book - may suffer from this. Thanks for your thoughts.

  2. We really do need to read for fun. I'm doing that more now and I've cut down on the review books as well.
    I find that once I'm on a reading schedule it all goes downhill for me.

  3. Vacation, the key to get out of any slumps. I do feel the same about the books I was supposed to like because many others gave them stellar reviews. But I always make it a point, to say what I really feel about certain books and not let others affect my review. I'll keep the Mind Games in mind (no pun intended)! :)

  4. The pressure can definitely make reading less enjoyable. I think it was a great idea for you to put aside your review pile for a little bit and focus on books that you really wanted to read - for yourself! I am doing a little bit of that myself in 2012. At the end of the day, like me, I'm sure you are a book blogger because you love to read and share your thoughts - as soon as your passion starts to dwindle... it's time to step away for a little bit.

    Bonnie @ Hands and Home

  5. I've definitely noticed you having trouble finding books you enjoy. It's tough when you don't like a book 99% of other bloggers love. It makes me wonder if something is wrong with me!
    Between your's and Karen's love for the Mind Games trilogy, I am insaneÿ curious to read them.
    Great post.

    1. Its seriously that good and I always take her recommendations for books. Yes I have book that everyone loves and I dislike it..coming up.

  6. I definitely think that an occasional break can help, even if it's just for a week or two. When I get in a reading slump, I make an effort to ignore my stack of "to be read" books, and instead, pick up a comfort book to re-read. That usually resets my mood and gets me in the mood to read a new book again. :)

  7. I've definitely gone through a couple slumps this year, I think it's inevitable when you suddenly find yourself on a schedule with books you HAVE to read for review as opposed to just being able to pick one up and enjoy it. I usually do what you did and stop reading from my review pile and pick up books that everyone raves about and tells me I must read - usually they're outside the genres I review on the blog to give me something else to focus on for a while:)

  8. It's terrible when you go through a string of books that you just don't enjoy - but I think you did the best thing possible - go to your friends for books they love. They know you and they'll be able to share things they've loved and chances are, they'll know what you'd love too. Most of my books come from recommendations from someone else - that or pretty covers =) - so that's a great way to feel better about the books you're picking up.

    1. Yes Friends always have the best recommendations

  9. Arggghhh I hate reading slumps!! I think Ive been in since 2011. Right now Im just trying to pick really fun hyped up tonight Im starting Unearthly and then Im reading some more light fluff.

    Sometimes the best way for me to beat a slump is to take a break from reading and then read maybe a nonfiction...:)

  10. I hate slumps. I usually break mine by a genre switch up.

    I'm so with you on reducing books for review. It's so freeing.

  11. I'm reading Mind Games right now and it's getting me excited to read again. I think you're have to do non-bloggy things and step away sometimes.

  12. My last slump was after my vacation. I had so much pent up excitement from Disney World I just couldn't get into anything I picked up for a couple of weeks. It was so frustrating for me because I was so used to reading 2-3 books a week and I wasn't finishing anything. I couldn't concentrate, but it was for good reasons. I just had to let it pass out of my system.

  13. At the end of the year I was in a complete reading slump. I didn't want to read, I guess I was burnt out a bit. I unfortunately started playing stupid facebook games in the absence of reading and I will say -- I would much rather being reading, talk about a brain suck!

  14. What a great topic! When reading begins to feel like a chore for me, I also have to figure out why. I'm sure you'll pull out of the slump before long-- we all have them.

  15. I'm *so* late hopping back! Sorry. I read it on the day and kept having to put it off what with school and bouts of depression. But I'm here, and happy!

    Book choices are a huge issue it seems, and I think I'm going to go the route of not accepting or requesting loads of review books. Everyone seems to think that ruins reading a lot of the time so I'll avoid it as much as I can!

    I was in a but of a slump too at the time of writing, but I'm coming out of it now. If you want a partner to read Jane Eyre with, I need to read it too!


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