Thursday, August 2, 2012

Biting Cold Book Review

I have seen this series since the beginning , and Like Merit I am at a crossroad with continuing on . I have enjoyed the Merit and the gang .

Merit and Ethan are rushing off to stop Mallory from taking the magical book Maleficium . She and Ethan catch up and discuss stuff while he was dead .

We are introduced to gnomes, and we see fairies, and shifters. We are also introduced to the leader of the Order. Merit is off protecting the city from big bad guy again. We also see some real questions being asked of Merit. We only see mentioned Jonah , and Morgan for a little bit.

This was one of the better books of the series, and I do believe that the author is asking us to atone for her last two books. That was made mention by two characters through out the book. They realized their error and want to help save their friends.

So many relationships were at crossroads through out the book. Mallory & Merit , Ethan & Merit , Catcher & Mallory .  I also found mention the food mentioned through out the book, seemed that I was in Foodie channel. I understand that the Midwest has great food, but those of us as fans, would love to have more substance with the characters than what they are eating. I missed seeing Jeff & Gabriel , they were in the book , but I missed them. I even missed seeing Catcher T-shirts. The Shifters totally rocked this book.

It took forever for Ethan and Merit to finally have a reunion , and I understand why the couldn't at times. Either dealing with the bad guy or being stubborn.

I do want to see what happens with the series ,but as a fan of Merit & Ethan I wanted more , and I didn't get it. There wasn't as much snark as in other books. There are changes ahead for Merit and Ethan, and they are good one. I feel like much like Merit that I have run my course with this series. I do feel at at a crossroad like Merit , and I am not sure if I am going to see what happens with this series. I have heard that there are 3 more books in the series, and I have gotten tired scooby gang. There weren't enough smexy times for me. I was wondering if I was reading a YA book . This was one of the shorter books too.

Best Line: Maybe he isn't quite Darth Sullivan anymore

Book Review =B/C

Thanks to Penguin for the book and this is my Honest review

This Book comes out Aug 7


  1. I was definitely missing the snark in this one as well, it's what drew me to Merit in the first place. I'm very curious to see how the relationship between Merit and Ethan will play out in the next book, I'm hoping there will be no more waffling and we'll get to see them present a united front:)

  2. Oh man. I have been jonesing to read this series for a while. I have the rest of the series on my shelf, waiting to be read!

  3. I'm at a crossroads as well. This series is missing the snark!

  4. Sounds too frustrating for me to bother starting lol
    I'm letting a lot of these series finish up before I start because the constant cliffhangers and keeping the couples apart gets on my nerves. Sometimes I scan handle it better when I can read the series all at once.


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