Thursday, September 6, 2012

Butter Book Review

Butter is the tale of a obese boy in high school. He is 423  pounds .He visits a Doctor about his weight. He loves to play his sax, and attracted to this pretty girl at his school. He has had an online flirtation with her for some time.  He finally reaches bottom and decides that he is going to kill him self at the New Year. He family has money and this all happens in Arizona.

He starts a blog up and gets comments and food ideas for his last meal. He parents have no clue that he is thinking about doing it. We do see how he gets his nickname, and that one of his friends from fat camp lost alot of weight.

Butter is trying to figure out so many things and along his journey, he does make some friends with the popular kids. He is crossing things off of his bucket list. While hanging out with his friends, he starts losing weight.

I found that this book tackled bullying better, and I loved that his parents were in the picture. I loved how Food was discussed as a trigger to something more. I loved that Butter even though he messes up , and he was trying to ask for help, but no one seem to hear him. I loved Anna told him the truth . I thought that this line was perfect because it truly is attitude.

Best Line : Everything doesn't suck Butter. All that sucks is your attitude.

Book Review= C

Thanks to Bloomsbury for letting me read this book and this is my Honest Review
This book comes out Sept 18


  1. Sounds a little sad but inspiring.

    1. yes it was sad but it was so honest in the storytelling :)

  2. I saw this at the bookstore last night and wasn't sure what it was about. Awesome review. I might have to check it out!


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