Saturday, October 6, 2012

Adaptation Book review

Reese and her Debate team partner David have just finished up with their debate in Arizona. They didn't win it. All kinds of trouble begin happening at the airport , and they learn that birds are making planes fall out of the sky. They decided with their chaperone's that that it might be best to drive back home to San Francisco. Along the way they get into an accident.

Reese wakes up 25 days later and all fine. She is wanting to go back home, but she is under strict orders not to mention the place that they were at to anyone. She also signed a non disclosure agreement along with David. Her mother is a lawyer too , and this information comes into play later.

Her best friend Julian is a someone who believes in life beyond the stars, and also in MIB, and UFOs. Reese and David are finally glad to be back home in San Francisco.

Reese runs into and meets Amber . She is attracted to her , and having these thoughts are all new to her. She and David are changing. She has also had a crush on David for the longest time, and almost got a kiss from him. Reese also has issues with her dad , and not on good terms with him. Reese and David are both changing .

This was fast moving book and I thoroughly enjoyed the location of the story. I could picture all of the places in the book. I loved that this book discussed truth in the government , and it did bring up different ways of love shown through her friends, Amber and David.

Best Line: Hiding whatever happened to you after your accident. The truth will come out.

Book Review= B

Thanks to Little Brown for the book and this is my Honest Review

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