Monday, April 1, 2013

Blog Confession-- Real Life

April 1st - How does blogging effect your *real* life? Are friends and family supportive? Do you find that blogging cuts into family time? How do you strike a balance between the two?

I only write my reviews on Mondays and doing blogging stuff. I try not to let my blogging life interferes with life. I also did MOPS for a while. I help out at my kids schools, and always donate books to them, since there is always budget issues. I am also active with my church and calling there.  I think my DH puts up with the hobby but then this has been going for 6 years. Yes I like to think that they supportive . Actually no it doesn't cut into family time. I made a point to present in my kids lives and not to be tied up by the computer or Reading. 

Well since I have made some choices for the coming year. Blogging will be taking a back seat so I can either work or go back school. I am in the burn out stage and blogging is fun up to a point , and I love this community. But I am just so tired of the drama with authors or plagiarism in this community, and now the goodreads issue. 

So yes I think my kids are tired of me always getting mail , and nothing for them. Seriously roll their eyes when I get a package. 

What about you ?? Does it affect your life to ?? 

Thanks Pam & Karen for this topic 


  1. Quote: Well since I have made some choices for the coming year. Blogging will be taking a back seat so I can either work or go back school.
    It's great that you have the energy to do that, what with being the mother of five. But I firmly believe we women owe ourselves that much. And I wish you good luck on the path you're going to follow.

    Blogging can be so time-consuming. The best solution - other than stick to a day for blogging like you do - would be, IMHO, choosing a limitate and manageable number of blogging activities (like memes, cover reveals, or whatever) from the start, and not joining more than one can handle!

    1. thanks and I will try the meme's and thanks so much for the luck :)

  2. So sorry the drama is getting to you. I generally avoid it. And I'm trying not to sweat the Goodreads thing until I see what happens.

    Good luck with your new plans.

  3. lol Mommy gets better packages than they do.

    I don't bother with the drama anymore. It's such a small percentage of the blogging community so it's easily avoidable. There are mean people in all walks of life.

    I don't really understand the Goodreads thing and how it will effect me. I'll cross that bridge when i get to it.

    1. yes the goodreads drama but lately there is more drama LOL

  4. Ooh.. getting mail was such a big deal when you were child! I could see how they would be upset, lol.

    It's so lovely that you focus on your family and not let blogging take over :D

  5. I think you strike a great balance and I often wonder how you manage with 5 monkeys! You always seem to be something with your kids and their school.

    I think you should definitely step back and work on some other stuff if that is what you want to do. Good luck on whatever you decide and I know you'll keep us posted.

  6. I can't believe you manage to run this blog and a family and everything else and want to do MORE! That's amazing! Well done.


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