Sunday, July 28, 2013

Mini reviews --Demonosity & Earthbound

An ancient myth + a mean girl + a reluctant warrior = a lively take on good vs. evil

Cassidy  dad isn't feeling too good. She gets a tattoo of hope , and her life changes. She meets Travis & Thomas  who are both guardians of the grimoire, and both are Knights. She needs to protect a mean girl Celeste, and save her friends from demons.

This book was different , but good. She is good friends with Nash. She is interested in other guys, and her mom wants her to be in the play. Very cute story .

Book Review= B

This book comes out Aug 15

Tavia survived a plan crash. She is living with her aunt and uncle right now. She is also unable to draw.

She is friends with Benson, who she is slightly crushing on. They have been friends for quite a while. She starts seeing a guy and triangle shapes on houses.

She finds out that she is a Earthbound, and that she can do things. She goes on a road trip with Benson , once she finds out that there has been some lying going on within the house. She wants to find out more about her past.

This was a dark book , and there was alot of death through out the book. I can see a triangle forming ( not referring to the cover) but I hope not.

This was different from her wings series, and I enjoyed the mythology behind it. I did love seeing Tavia change , but I think could have been resolved with a discussion.

Book Review= C

This book comes out Jul 30

Thanks to Penguin for the books and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, I was kind of anticipating Earthbound, but that sounds disappointing. Thanks for the mini reviews!


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