Sunday, January 19, 2014

Looking Forward

I am still going to school , and working part time. Since I schedule my posts ahead of time, I have noticed that I am more relaxed . I also have enjoyed life lately . I read what sounds good to me. I love reading , but have become more interested in other things. I love exercising more, and clothing. Heck I even play more with Pinterest. 

I do care about blogging and have stepped back a lot. I know with the scheduled posts that I really don't seem gone, but I am. I am also busy with my church calling of being the Girls Camp Director. This means I am fundraising and this year making lots of Chicken Pot pies. Let's just say that I think my family has had enough of the pies. But I won't be done till February.

Life has been busy and kids are all doing well in school. I have been busy with PFO and planning Cooks Night out for 1 school.

I am still here but not really . I have been reading some really good books that will be coming up soon.

*** The Winner's Curse
*** We were Liars
*** The Shadow Prince
*** Cruel Beauty

Christmas was really good , and have been singing songs from Frozen. Also I got to hang out with my family. We have been looking for a bigger house for some time.


  1. Glad to hear that you've found balance in your personal life. Scheduling posts ahead of time makes a world of difference. I try to have a month's worth of reviews written so that if I want a day off or to read something "just for me", I can.

  2. I actually have a few weeks worth of posts scheduled. It's shocking! lol

    I'm looking forward to Cruel Beauty and I loved The WInner's Curse.

    You're never away to me - I'll hunt you down on Twitter or text!


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