Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Hunt Book Review

The Hunt
Net Galley
2nd in a series
for Review
April 22

Ariane and Zane are on the run from GTX . She wants to do all that she can to protect him. Zane would like to see his mom. Many more people are chasing after them.

Ariane and Zane to get hot and heavy at times. He is also thinking of his brother at times. She wants to help the other hybrids, and she wants to stop the games. More players are introduced and we finally see more of Zane's family in this book.

It was great to see them both again. This did feel like a second book because not much happened till the end. There was more action, and this book ended on a cliffhanger. I loved Arianne thought process and the shout out to Star wars. I adore this cover .

Book Review= B-/C

Thanks so much to Disney and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. I also wished that more had happened in this book. It just seemed like they were hiding out most of the time, and I wanted more action. That was quite a cliffhanger, though!
    Thanks so much for stopping by! Jen @ YA Romantics


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