Friday, May 23, 2014

Guy in Real life

Guy In real life
for review
Katherine Tegan
stand alone
may 27

Lesh is 16 years old , and dress in trench coat, and Goth looking. He is drinking one night with friends, and crashes into this beautiful girl. Svetlana  is a Senior and her life is okay. She loves doing role playing games. He likes to online gaming.

Lesh becomes grounded and creates a character that looks like her, before he knows her name. He plays her , and makes some online friends.

Lesh & Svetlana start having lunches together , and getting to know one another. He doesn't tell her about the online character at all. There are times he wants to be her.

This book is interesting , and maybe not for me. I totally get that Lesh is questioning his sexuality or transgenderness. It's brought up through the book, but there wasn't any resolve with this question. I adore that Lesh & Svetlana are both normal kids, and doing their best in school, and dealing with relationships.

As a parent with the gaming , I wasn't too sure about this because an incident was brought up regarding privacy and revealing too much information. Overall this was an okay book.

Book Review= C

Thanks to so to Harper Teen and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

  1. I had wanted to read this one until I read a few reviews that made me decide to move it down the list for now.


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