Friday, May 9, 2014

Parenting Girls on the Autism spectrum

Parenting girls on the Autism Spectrum
Jessica Kingsley
stand alone
March 15

I bought this book because 2 of girls have these traits, and are on the spectrum. This book done in a nice easy manner, and with stories , and ideas. Luckily I have been some of these things already. It was also to get some help for the future.

There were many websites mentioned and lots of ideas regarding this topic. I loved that this book was positive and helpful to me as a parent raising girls. I am still learning lots about Autism , and Asperger's.

Book Review= B

1 comment:

  1. I do a lot of research online and go through all of the materials given to us by various doctors, but I don't read many autism books like this. Most of what I've come across has been for higher functioning children but my teenager is on the more severe side of the spectrum. I'm glad this was so helpful and informative for you.


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