Saturday, May 10, 2014


for review
2nd in series
Harper Teen
May 13

Wren and Callum are on the run. They end up finding reservation of reboots. Wren is easily accepted as a leader for her time of 178. Callum being a 22 still isn't with the other groups. He is still very tech savvy. Addie is still Wen's best friend.  At the reservation, she see's someone she knew from before.

Wren and Callum are telling about what is happening in their own chapters. This book has many twists and turns. Things aren't what they seem at the reservation. Also Wren and Callum also are having some relationship issues.

This book had it all and many twists and turns. I loved that there were stolen moments among the fighting times. Addie was the comic relief but she also touched upon a deep topic that needed to be addressed. Callum and Wren are the cutest , strongest couple. I love that they were strong, and smart by themselves. They did have their moments. This was a great addition to the series.

Book Review= B+

Thanks so much to Harper Teen and this is my Honest Review


  1. I've been striking out with sequels lately, so I'm glad to hear that this one actually delivered. Thanks for the review!

  2. Reboot didn't blow me away but It bought it was a lot of fun and I'm looking forward to this one.


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