Thursday, April 22, 2010

Joy -- writing prompt

Where do I find Joy in my life ?? I've been thinking about this topic since the prompt was given.

I find joy in my kids
I find joy in my husband
I find joy in church
I find joy in reading books and traveling to new places
I find joy in rain falling
I find Joy in owning our house
I find Joy in making deserts ( chocolate)
I find Joy in making friends online or in real life
I find Joy having bills paid
I find Joy in knowing that my kids accomplished something
I find Joy with my sisters and their families
I find JOy with that cup of Hot chocolate from starbucks
I find Joy in finding friends from High school on facebook
I find Joy in partipating in MOPS when I can
I find JOY helping in my daughters Kindergarden class
I find JOy when I get something in the mail
I find Joy when I can get a sitter for Date night
I find Joy in friends from Cafemom
I find joy with those friendships through MLM (sacramento)
I find joy in music
I find joy in praying
I find joy in nature
I find joy with DH having a job

Those are some of the things where I find some Joy in my Life.


  1. How lovely! I find Joy in reading this!

  2. So do I -- very lovely thoughts!

    I find joy in many of the same things.

    I also find joy when:
    ---my children are happy
    ---I gaze at my children & marvel at how wonderful they are
    ---I gaze at my husband & think he's cute cute cute
    ---I talk to my mother and she cracks silly jokes & laughs
    ---I remember my beautiful kitty
    ---I soak in a hot bath with candles & nice music
    ---I read a really good book
    ---I am able to make someone else's life better.

    I'm sure that I can think of a lot more - thanks for this "joy" post - it's nice to focus on the positive.


  3. lots of things to be thankful for. I enjoyed your list.

  4. What a joyfull list!! I find joy in my husband having a job too...and that Im blessed to be a stay at home mom!! I couldnt imagine putting my kids in daycare...Id miss them to much


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