Monday, August 23, 2010

Moaning Monday--Back to school Edition

Okay kids are back in school and thats 4 kids in school full time. I have this weekend been fingerprinted to help out in the school and maybe even do more stuff . I'm excited to get the routine back and have the schedule for the kids.

I'm very happy with the teachers that the kids have. Two of them are repeats and 2 new one's this year.

I'm going to have a 5th , 4th , 1st, and Kindergarten

Pics to come soon --maybe for Wordful Wednesday ..

This weekend I also did Boot Bloggy Camp in SF- So If I meet you..this is me waving hi again.I'll do a post about my experience this weekend with pics. In short it was networking, and talking about blogging. It was great to meet many people from twitter and put names with faces. Got lots of business cards and made some new friends.

I didn't forget the giveaway that I did off comments while I was gone. Thanks so those that guest posted for me.

The winner is # LilyChild (22)

The McCormick's winner will be announced soon.


  1. Wow, thank you Julie! :) Sending you an email now.

    Btw...can't wait to hear about Bloggy Boot Camp! :)

  2. Hi there just following from the Thirsty Thursday blog hop
    Love your blog... I have school starting in two weeks.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks