Monday, July 18, 2011

Update of Sorts

I have decided to separate the information about kids into another blog. No its not from Rachs BB101. I just felt that it time to put the kids and our personal experiences on a different blog. This blog will be the review about Books.

I have been trying out something new to play with and while I enjoy sharing my life with all of you my readers. I want to get back the love the of Blogging about my family.

This year will be another busy year with kids in school and I can't tell if I have a reading slump or blogging slump. I do have many posts scheduled already . So working on my reading pile and do have some reviews to do .

If you want to to follow me email me with and I may or may not give you the address for the new blog.


  1. I think that's a great idea. I know I was in a real blogging slump and just had to take a step back and then get back in the swing of things when I found my way out of it.

  2. Good luck with your upcoming changes. So will My 5 Monkeys be the book one or the more personal one?

  3. @juju This will be about Books and the other one will be more personal in nature.

  4. Have fun with the family blogging, but don't forget about us here :D

  5. That sounds like it will work better for you. Good luck with it and all your adorable family members! Will still look forward to the book reviews!

  6. Everyone goes through a slump. I was in a bad one right before I went to ALA and I seem to have gotten back in the swing of things.

    I think it makes sense, Jules, well you know that. Plus, once they are split you might feel you don't have to censor as much. Good luck...and tell me what you think of wordpress. ;) XOXO

  7. I'll follow you anywhere and everywhere :-)


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