Friday, May 23, 2008

friday five

  1. house is clean
  2. laundry is getting done
  3. have no plans for the holiday weekend
  4. getting a massage this weekend
  5. need to declutter kids clothes and toys too.

need movie recommendations.....


  1. Hi Jules,
    I have no movie recommendations for you since I haven't been to the movies in over a year! haha Other than that, I think our lists are pretty much the same, except the massage. I'm getting a pedicure instead!

  2. Do you mean DVD or actual movie theater? I hear IronMan is good. I loved Juno and Michael Clayton for rentals.

  3. I know you posted this LAST Firday, but I just watched a great on called "Friends With Money." A little sad, but also excellent. For the kids? "enchanted." All three of the older ones loved it, and even Owen liked the singing.

  4. You got a massage!!! I am so envious. This is my first time stopping by your blog. I don't know how you found me but thanks for stopping by. I love it when I meet other people whose houses are as crazy or more crazy than mine . We need to stick together.


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