Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing we have to do this week

  1. go through kids clothes/ toys in garge and room
  2. dentist appointment on tuesday
  3. paint bathroom

Well my lesson in RS went well. I talked about the Gospel of Christ by L Tom Perry and the 5 points of the gospel and likened it to making cookies. The cookies were a hit. Other than that we are all doing good. I'm so excited that by next monday....I'll be reading Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer. Yeah !!!!

Things are slowly being done this week


  1. My sister's husband has a family business in towing & auto repair. In May there was a big crash on the interstate involving a semi & in the semi were TONS of Stephanie Meyer books. Unfortunately, there weren't any of the new ones and a majority of them were damaged. I just thought it was interesting that I found out about that crash yesterday & today I'm reading your blog about her books.
    Have fun with your 'to-do' list & reading the new book. I haven't picked one up yet, but I hear they're great!

  2. Bringing treats in always make other happy! :) Glad it went well.

  3. Have a good week girlfriend.


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks