Monday, September 8, 2008

DH told me spend money

DH said I could spend money on myself. what do I buy??

2 more Twilight shirts--- I'm a fan and that's all I'll say.

Sense and Sensibility movie-- chick flick

Jane Austen Book club movie-- chick flick

Pride and Prejudice- 2005 version-- chick flick

I have been noticing that we don't have too many girl movies mostly superhero's and nothing wrong with that but there are times when I need girl movie.


  1. Nothing wrong with chick-flicks. I am a big fan. Can't wait until Twilight movie comes out, addictive book and hopefully a great movie.

  2. I still have never seen anything regarding this Twilight craze, but I LOVE all three movies you mentioned. Makes me think perhaps I need to have chick flick night with my daughter. But then I remember that my TV no longer has the correct colors, and that our DVD player will only play half a movie....

  3. I say get some chick flicks!! we all need to watch one every so often.

  4. I don't recognize the first movie. Is it new? I have been out of the chick flick movies for a while, what with my testosterone laden home!:O) Good picks!!!

  5. Last time I had money to spend on myself I bought clothes. But we already have a lot of movies. Good choices though.

  6. Nothing like a good chick flick sometimes.

  7. since I'm the movie buff in the relationship - a majority of the movies I own are chick flicks. Gotta love 'em!
    Glad you were able to get some you wanted!


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