Sunday, September 14, 2008

K getting on the potty train

I'm so excited...K is getting ready and excited about underwear and getting on the train. I just need to pick up some more sleeping Beauty underwear. Yeah !!!

1 down and 1 more to go.

Yeah !!!! Doing the happy dance


  1. That is so exciting! We potty trained Drew this summer. It's so nice not having to buy diapers & pullups & wipes at Costco anymore.

  2. Congrats! I'm not convinced you'll be done with diapers anytime soon. Any day now, I'm expecting you to announce #6!

  3. I'm such a dummy. I meant #8!

  4. yay! Hope everything goes quickly for you!

  5. i just stopped over from angie's blog...and i'm so excited for you. good luck!

  6. That's great. I'm jealous, I'm still working on my 3.5 yr old

  7. Yay, yaya!!! I love the potty train. My twins are working on it, and maybe by Christmas everyone will be out of diapers.

  8. I'm so ready to potty train another child. Good luck!


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