Thursday, November 13, 2008

Christmas talk help

Well at church we have Enrichment 4x a year and I'm on the committee. We are having our Holiday dinner this next week. I already have the songs but I decided to give the talk on christmas memories/ traditions....

What are some questions I can ask people there or what are traditions that you do....

What do in your families to keep the spirit there ?? What are something you did as a kid ?
Do you do presents christmas eve or the day of ?? Secret people ??

Just any help would do...Thanks


  1. We do one present on Christmas Eve and the rest in the morning. Go to ANY Christmas Eve service there is, no matter what church it is affiliated with. Eat large amounts of whatever people bring to snack on. Hang stockings and set out milk and cookies.

  2. My childhood: we caroled on Christmas Eve. We loved it! And then it turned into a tradition of caroling and going out for Chinese food. Long story there.
    Now: we put up the tree the day after Thanksgiving. Lots of baking. Lots of eating. Open "pajamas" on christmas eve. cookies for santa...
    This year I want to integrate into our traditions some sort of secret service. No, not FBI, but secretly shovel someone's walk, make homemade gifts, etc...

  3. Oh, I love her royal highness' idea of a secret service!
    We have tamales on Xmas Eve. We now open 2 presents, since the kids have figured out that 1 will be pjs. We have a specific holiday album from the 70's that I make my dad play :)
    And we've recently started a newer tradition of my dad making popovers on Xmas morning. They're SO good.

  4. We did this growing up & now it is somethign that john 7 I do with our boys. Each year, we pick a family & we do the 12 days of christmas secretly. We leave them little treats & gifts on their porch every night 12 days before christmas. It is a secret & we don't reveal ourselves. My boys love the door bell ditching part. I love it becasue we truly feel the Christmas spirit each time we do it! Good luck with your lesson/talk.

  5. We have a fantastic Thanksgiving tradition. On the Wednesday night before Thanksgiving we have PIE NIGHT! It's the best ever!
    My genious father realized that you can't really focus on the pie on Thanksgiving because there's so much other foood so we set aside a night just for the PIE. I think pie night is my favorite holiday.

  6. We do Christmas Angels. We draw each other's names and for the week before Christmas we do nice things for that person. We also have a Elf gift of PJ's on Christmas Eve and we decorate Gingerbread houses about a week before Christmas. We read both Christmas stories (bible and BoM) on Christmas Eve.... hmmmm... Oh... the older kids sometimes get to help stuff the younger kids' stockings, they LOVE that!

  7. We always do a nativity on Christmas Eve and starting December 1st we have this calendar with scriptures and hymns that we read each night.


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