Monday, November 10, 2008

We are back

Hubby is home all this week so won't be online much....but he will be doing the honey do list of finishing the bathroom. We had a wonderful night away at the Fairmont Somona Spa and Inn. It was a wet overnighter....because we did the Bathing ritual and went in the pools a couple times. It was nice to be away from the kids. We also ordered a movie...we never did we watched Hellboy 2: The Golden Army. The Food was really good at the restuarant Big 3.

We did some Christmas shopping too. I have also started shopping for the kids and family memebers. Yeah.... I also did some shopping through ......Thats my update for now.


  1. SO glad you got to get away, and had a good time!

  2. I yearn for a night away again...
    I'll live vicariously through you for the time being. :)
    Glad you had a great time!

  3. How lovely to get away to get away without the kids! I wish....


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