Monday, November 17, 2008

Hobby-- Free time---

I was thinking that since Twilight is almost here and I haven't read the book for sometime and it appears that I have moved on. Yeah the obsession is almost gone and that's good. I'm still in love with a fictional character but I LOVE MY hubby more.

I have new Young Adult Authors that I have found out about. I have a books in my room that I need to read from. I should reread the Harry Potter series.

So I will most likely be changing some pictures and trying to find something new.....

Its been 8 years since I collected anything....and that's good.

Well I have been wanting to go back to school and finish my getting my degree. I should figure out what I want do for a living. My hubby keeps telling me to go into his field but its not me. I don't the hospitals or doctors offices at all. Does working in TV pay at all or did I miss my window? I do still love to bake....I made cookies all the time...just ask my sisters.

I'm not doing MOPS next year because I feel its time to move on and give myself a break.

I should try knitting or thoughts????I'm rambling away....

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Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks