Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids Library

I'm taking my kids to the library to get their library cards.

I remember that I had my library card and with that card I could meet new people and see new places. I'm so excited to let my kids get their own cards.

I remember growing up that the library was a bike ride away and close to middle school but not that far. I went there alot and got many books to read and choose what I liked and didn't. I remember reading Sweet Valley High, Nancy Drew, and Christopher Pike .

Thanks mom for always showing your love of reading because I have it and hope to pass along to my kids. If its a good book I will sacrifice my sleep to finish a book. Thanks...


  1. I remember one of the first "adult" books I checked out at the library. It was a thriller, but not freaky thriller - just suspenseful. I don't even remember what it was called, but I remember which shelf I found it on - I can see it in my mind's eye.

    And are your kids enjoying this new "freedom"?

  2. yes I think so...we started with one book.


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