Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

We went down to visit with my parents. We had a fun time there. We went to the beach, saw Monarch Butterflies, went to a animal farm and fed the animals there. We also went to the beach to see where Uncle Cory carved into the Rock to Aunt Amy. We went to Burger King and had lunch there.

No we didn't go shopping at all this year. Still need to do some more shopping but I didn't see too many deals out there. We were able to Great Grandma Haselhuhn. It was so good to see her and my sister Heather and her kids.

I'll post some of the holidays pic later. M and B did their Christmas wish lists. It was good to spend time with family.


  1. Good times, yeah?
    Looking forward to those pics.
    I thought of you yesterday as I pulled PS I Love You off the shelf to watch...

  2. Are you in the San Diego area? My husband and I used to live in Rancho Bernardo (still considered San Diego). It was sooo expensive but we loved it! -naomianne2 from cafemom

  3. I looked at the pics in my reader. You have a gorgeous family, Julie - but you already knew that of course!


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