Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We will be leaving to see my family for dinner and seeing family. The kids are excited to see Grandma and Grandpa.

Kids are home this week and we have been cleaning house, watching TV , and just hanging out.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Julie, to you and yours!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Sis. Hope you have a great time. Good luck with the circus part of it too :) We both know that will be part of the equation! luvs!

  3. Hi Julie,
    It was so cool to hear from you. Lets see, Igot married April 2005 for the first time. hubby-Paul kids-Drew 10 Haley2 Breanna 15 and Christopher 13. The last two kids i mentioned are my husbands,previos marriage. Drew mine Haley ours.email me. staceysangels@gmail.com I would like to keep in touch. I live in san jose ca.


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