Monday, June 22, 2009

My Goals

Since this about me and my family I have decided to write down some goals that I hope to have accomplished by this year.

I hope to have a part time job that can lead to something more in the future while kids are in school.

I also hope to go back to school too .

Either the school or the job is going to happen by year end.

I'm excited to get started on this..


  1. Hey, I like the new title of your blog...cute.
    Good for you Julie. It is easy to lose yourself in child rearing, which is good, but you should always have a back up in case something happens to DH.

  2. Julie, I love your organization skills! Keep up the good work...always a pleasure to keep up with your blog!! Thanks!

  3. Good goals! Good luck with it!

  4. Congrats to you. Those are great goals. What kind of job/schooling do you think you will pursue?

  5. way to go Julie, what do you want to take in school? I just finished last year and i had so much fun but man was it hard work! LOL good luck with everything, but i am sure it will be no problem for you since you are so dang organized with all those kiddos!


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