Monday, October 5, 2009

Once a month Cooking -Review/Giveaway

Mary Beth Lagerborg and Mimi Wilson's original bestseller Once-a-Month Cooking™ started the bulk freezer cooking phenomenon from recipes made for their own families. Both live in Colorado and continue to share a passion to help today's cooks save time and money while building family relationships over delicious meals.
Mary Beth is the creator of the website, providing tools on creating a home full of acceptance and creativity. She is also the former media director for MOPS International (Mothers of Preschoolers). Mimi travels extensively to regions like Jordan, Ecuador, and Rwanda, and teaches Once-a-Month Cooking principles and benefits internationally.
Find out more at the official Once-a-Month Cooking website, or join our bulk freezer cooking discussion on facebook.

This is a great cookbook to help someone get started on cooking meals quickly for dinner time and making it ahead.

Its easy to understand and I love how its set up.

Its has a monthly cycle or 2 week cycles for summer , gourmet or Gluten Free.

It has a menu chart, pantry list, shopping list and assembly order and all the recipes that go with it too.

The recipes are easy to make and taste yummy.

Its 14.99 from St. Martins/Griffen

Thanks so much for the book and Now I'm giving 1 book away --Will go on til Next Monday 10/12 and will announce winner then.

What is something you would do with your time ?


  1. Do with my extra time? Hmm... probably do more craft-time with my kids. :)

    Julie - go to my blog. I posted a link that I thought might interest you in regards to blogging & freebies for review. Not a good thing so hopefully it'll get overturned.

  2. I would probably SIT DOWN to help my kids with their homework. As of right now I they all sit around the kitchen island as I try to help them as I am making dinner. It's chaotic and NOT ideal by any means.

  3. I'd probably spend more time crafting and cleaning, lol. Or, truthfully, I'd probably spend more time blog hopping!!!

  4. What would I do with my spare time? I'll be honest with you. I'd probably sit. Maybe with some crochet hooks and yummy yarn. But I'd sit.

  5. With extra time I would read more books and go for more walks with my dog! I would love to be entered in your draw. Thanks!

  6. What is extra time? LOL.

    I would spend it with my Kiddo's doing something FUN! Whether it be riding bikes, or playing a board game together :)

  7. I would take my kids to the library, and sit around and read with them! And possibly clean my house...

  8. Julie! I Need This Book!! Lol I Could Spend Some Much Needed Extra Time With My Kiddies, And I Could Do Some Studying For ALL My Classes!! Lol =)

  9. I would take my kids outside to play games and have fun, Knowing that I already have dinner would make me more available to play and it would be nice to spend that time with them.


  10. I would probably just sit, too, and catch up on my DVR! But then I'd feel guilty about it and spend the extra time playing games with the kids :)

  11. take a nap! it doesn't happen very often :-).

  12. Angelica-- I talked to her and she wanted to be entered into this.

  13. I'd spend it hanging out playing with my four year old daughter!

  14. I would sew something for ME!


Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks