Monday, October 5, 2009

A Field Guide to burying your parents- Book Review

Everything seems just perfect in Grace`s life. She`s got a great job, a lovely house, a handsome boyfriend – and she`s pretty happy with it all. Except that Grace has got a secret. She has a family. One she ran away from when life got too tough. Not to mention John, the only man she ever truly loved, who she left behind as well. So when her sister finally tracks her down – to announce that their estranged father is in hospital – Grace has to make a decision. She can stay in the safe little world she`s carved out for herself, or she can go home. To face the music. But going home really isn`t as easy as it seems. Especially when the music seems to be playing a funeral march, her siblings are beyond furious with her, and their father`s second wife is behaving very strangely indeed…. (

It was chick lit. It was interesting story dealing with deal and romance. It was a fast read for me because I finished this book in one evening. This is one book to share with friends.

Loved the siblings and memories that Grace was telling through out the story.

Thanks little & brown for the book to review.

It comes out Oct 29,2009 and $13.99

I give this 3 out 5 for me.

1 comment:

  1. That sounds pretty good! I'll have to check it out and read it for myself. Thanks for the recommendation!


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