Thursday, November 5, 2009

Feddie Girl -- Book Review

Carlotta Ikedi (A.k.a Feddie Girl) has never liked school. Not in California. Not in Oklahoma. When her exasperated parents ship her off to boarding school–in West Africa–Carlotta faces a life, culture, and existence unlike anything she’s ever known.School rules and regulations, rising bell, lights-out, manual labor, inspections, dining time, prefects, punishments, mean bunkmates, and visiting days–it’s all here. But author Nona David takes Carlotta’s story a step further when her adventure’s lead to unfortunate incidents that threaten to drive her American family into the clutches of infidelity and organized crime.Boarding school doesn’t get any better than this…( back of the book)

This was a interesting story of a girl sent to boarding school in Lagos --Africa.

The story was told in Point of Views of Richard, Shelly , and Carlotta.

Richard-- Dr , and has a wandering eye, used to be part of the mob.
Shelly-- mother, and has a drinking problem, and a teacher
Carlotta-- daughter, was kicked out 2 schools previously.

This book was great to know about African culture and words. It was like Harry Potter without the magic and set in Africa.

I was more interested with the Parents story then that of Carlotta experience. I was surprised that in 6Th grade Carlotta age, that this book was mentioning lesbianism.

This family has some serious issues. Both parents are both married but looking to have affairs which was interesting. There was no communication between parents and there wasn't much communication with their daughter who was in school.

Loved the chapter titles

Review= 3

Thanks to Bernard books and this is my Honest Review

1 comment:

Help me feed the Monkeys--We love comments

We are an award free zone. Thanks so much for all the previous awards, but I can't continue passing them on at this time. Thanks